
Golf Meeting
November 3, 2021

MPGCC Staff in Attendance-
Trevor and Deneen Rothfels, Owners
Josh Peak, Superintendent
Joe Porfidio, Director of Golf
Mikayla Lee, Membership Accounts
Aubrie Keoho, Communications

Mr. Rothfels began the meeting by thanking everyone in attendance and explained that this meeting was to be informative. He and his team would be further explaining the work being done to the course as well as to update our golf members on upcoming changes. He then handed the floor over to Mr. Peak.
Mr. Peak began with a popular topic of discussion, overseeding. Why do we overseed our greens? Our greens are 35 years old, and we deal with shade issues on numerous greens in the winter. The first year Mr. Peak came to Magnolia Point Golf & Country Club (MPGCC) the management company in place decided not to overseed the greens. The problems that arose that next spring were detrimental, to say the least. We had less than 40% coverage on any one green. Also, overseeding protects the Bermuda during the winter months so that we can have a smooth transition in the spring. Many members remember last spring that we had a rough transition, but why? There was an 8’ main water line that busted and we were unable to water for 3 ½ days. On top of that, the temperatures (around May 18th) were at 90 degrees. Despite this fact, we were able to recover in time for season. Moving back into this year, Mr. Peak has completed overseeding all greens, tee boxes and the driving range as of November 4th. The next question was about mowing after the overseeding? This is will based on Mother Nature. We are one week in germination and we are seeing sprouts, which is a good sign. He did voice his concern about the wet weather forecasted for this weekend and will have to stay on top of the work completed for fear of diseases due to excess moisture. UPDATE: The course is back on a normal mowing schedule as of 11.10.21

Next up was Mr. Porfidio who also thanked the membership for their warm welcome and kindness upon his one-year anniversary with MPGCC. He also gave us a year in review with relaunching the Men’s Golf Association now with 51 active members for 2021. Additions also included rules clinics for our Ladies’ Golf Association, launching the monthly couples scrambles the last Sunday of the month (to begin again in November), along with new additions to the Golf Pro Shop: clothing, balls, gloves, head covers, etc. In looking into next year, he will continue the rules clinics for the LGA. For the MGA, he will recruit a 5-person committee to assist with the workload as well as kick-off the once-a-month tournaments again in January while continuing to add members. Mr. Porfidio is also excited to announce the MGA will host a member-member + member-guest tournament next year as well as relaunching the Men’s Club Championship tournament for 2022. Callaway Golf is also secured for two free demo days next year so please contact Mr. Porfidio for an appointment (JPorfidio@MagnoliaPointGolfClub.com).

Next up, Mr. Rothfels took the floor to explain that MPGCC will be increasing their “rack rates” for 2022. Due to inflation everywhere, MPGCC is also feeling the effect of this constantly. Whether this is in the increase of minimum wage or in products used on the course itself, it is a reality we are all facing. In good news, current membership pricing will not be increasing. If you play any amount of golf at MPGCC, it may be advantageous of you to look at our variety of membership available to see if one maybe right for you (membership packet for 2022 attached below). The VIP rack rates for residents will be eliminated and replaced by a Club Membership that will be $150/ annually for those inside the gates. Weekday: $36 sunrise to 2 PM $22 after 2 PM $20 9-hole Weekend: $41 sunrise to 11 AM $36 11 AM – 2 PM $25 after 2 PM $22 9-hole

Mr. Peak ended the meeting requesting that if you see the sprinkler system on to please not take it upon yourself to adjust the heads as it will break the internal gears. He noted that we have spent somewhere around $100K in sprinkler head replacement over the last 9 years.